Discover the ins and outs of deploying Node.js apps with PM2

Node.js has gained tremendous popularity in recent years for its ability to build scalable and efficient web applications. It is a powerful JavaScript runtime that allows developers to write server-side code using JavaScript. However, deploying and managing Node.js applications can be a challenging task. This is where PM2 (Process Manager 2) comes into play.

PM2 is a production-ready process manager for Node.js applications. It provides a robust set of features that make it easy to deploy, monitor, and manage your Node.js applications in a production environment. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using PM2 and how to effectively deploy Node.js applications with PM2.

Benefits of using PM2 for deploying Node.js applications

Using PM2 for deploying Node.js applications offers several advantages. Firstly, it simplifies the deployment process by providing a single command to start, stop, and restart your application. This eliminates the need to manually manage your Node.js processes, saving you time and effort.

Secondly, PM2 allows you to monitor the health and performance of your Node.js application. It provides real-time monitoring of CPU usage, memory consumption, and other vital metrics. This enables you to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks before they impact your application's availability and user experience.

Furthermore, PM2 supports automatic restarts in case of application crashes or server reboots. It can also handle zero-downtime deployments, ensuring that your application remains available to users even during updates or maintenance.

Understanding the basics of PM2

Before diving into the deployment process, let's familiarize ourselves with the basics of PM2. PM2 is a command-line tool that can be installed globally using the Node Package Manager (NPM). Once installed, you can use the pm2 command to interact with PM2 and manage your Node.js applications.

PM2 operates on the principle of processes. A process is an instance of a running application. PM2 allows you to manage multiple processes, each representing a separate instance of your Node.js application. This enables you to scale your application horizontally by running multiple instances to handle increased traffic and improve performance.

Setting up PM2 for your Node.js application

To set up PM2 for your Node.js application, start by installing PM2 globally using NPM:

npm install -g pm2

Once installed, navigate to your project directory and start your Node.js application using PM2:

pm2 start app.js

Here, app.js is the entry point file of your Node.js application. PM2 will automatically spawn a new process for your application and manage it.

You can check the status of your application using the following command:

pm2 status

This will display a list of all running applications managed by PM2, along with their status and other relevant information.

Monitoring and managing your Node.js application with PM2

PM2 provides a powerful set of monitoring and management features to ensure the health and performance of your Node.js application. You can monitor the CPU and memory usage of your application using the following command:

pm2 monit

This will launch a real-time monitoring dashboard where you can track the resource utilization of your application.

PM2 also allows you to manage your application's lifecycle. You can stop, restart, or delete your application using the following commands:

pm2 stop <app_name>
pm2 restart <app_name>
pm2 delete <app_name>

Replace <app_name> with the name or process ID of your application.

Scaling and load balancing with PM2

One of the key advantages of using PM2 is its ability to scale your Node.js application horizontally. PM2 supports load balancing, which distributes incoming requests across multiple instances of your application, allowing you to handle increased traffic and improve performance.

To scale your application, use the following command:

pm2 scale <app_name> <number_of_instances>

Replace <app_name> with the name or process ID of your application and <number_of_instances> with the desired number of instances.

PM2 will automatically distribute incoming requests across the available instances of your application, ensuring optimal utilization of resources and improved responsiveness.

Deploying multiple Node.js applications with PM2

PM2 also allows you to deploy and manage multiple Node.js applications on a single server. This is particularly useful in a microservices architecture or when hosting multiple applications on a shared infrastructure.

To deploy multiple applications, create a JSON configuration file (ecosystem.config.js) in the root directory of your project. Define the configuration for each application as follows:

module.exports = {
  apps: [
      name: 'app1',
      script: 'app1.js',
      watch: true,
      env: {
        NODE_ENV: 'production'
      name: 'app2',
      script: 'app2.js',
      watch: true,
      env: {
        NODE_ENV: 'production'

Here, name represents the name of the application, script is the entry point file, and env defines the environment variables for the application.

To start all applications defined in the configuration file, use the following command:

pm2 start ecosystem.config.js

PM2 will read the configuration file and start each application as a separate process.

Troubleshooting common issues with PM2

While PM2 is a robust and reliable process manager, you may encounter certain issues during deployment and management. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  1. Application not starting: Ensure that your application's entry point file is correctly specified in the PM2 configuration and that the file exists in the specified location.
  2. Application crashes: Check the error logs generated by PM2 (~/.pm2/logs) to identify the cause of the crash. Ensure that your application is handling errors gracefully and has proper error handling mechanisms in place.
  3. High memory or CPU usage: Monitor the resource utilization of your application using PM2's monitoring dashboard (pm2 monit). Optimize your code, identify memory leaks, and consider scaling your application horizontally to distribute the load.

Best practices for deploying Node.js applications with PM2

To ensure a smooth and efficient deployment of your Node.js applications with PM2, consider following these best practices:

  1. Use an ecosystem configuration: Define your application's configuration in an ecosystem file (ecosystem.config.js). This allows you to easily manage and deploy multiple applications.
  2. Implement logging: Use a logging library like Winston or Bunyan to log application events and errors. This helps in troubleshooting issues and monitoring the health of your application.
  3. Monitor your application: Continuously monitor the performance and resource utilization of your application using PM2's monitoring dashboard. Set up alerts for critical metrics to proactively identify and resolve issues.
  4. Automate deployment: Use deployment tools like Jenkins or GitLab CI/CD to automate the deployment process. This ensures consistent and reliable deployments across different environments.


Deploying Node.js applications with PM2 can significantly enhance the efficiency and reliability of your applications. PM2 simplifies the deployment process, provides real-time monitoring and management capabilities, supports scaling and load balancing, and allows for the deployment of multiple applications on a single server.

By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure a smooth and efficient deployment of your Node.js applications with PM2. Embrace the power of PM2 and maximize the efficiency of your Node.js applications.

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